Mobile Technologies in Support of Distance Learning

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Tiong GOH


Mobile devices and services have the potential to introduce novel innovations in the area of learning and education. The main advantages of these devices, namely limitless mobility and small size, can bring new dimensions to the learning processes of the students. But, despite these clear advantages mobile devices are not commonly used in the distance learning settings. For instance, current course management systems, like WebCT, do not support a mobile device connection. They are designed only toward the PC environment. The Problem Processing Assistant (PPA) is a web-based learning tool that combines the characteristics of digital portfolios with the functionality of open problem solving and idea generation tools. PPA can also support learners in distance learning settings A mobile extension of the PPA tool is implemented to enrich its functionality. Using a mobile device, students can compose and read carry-on notes, which brings the PPA closer to the actual learning situation. Extension is implemented using the Multiple Representation Mobile Adaptation (MRMA) framework.

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KINSHUK, K., SUHONEN, J., SUTINEN, E., & GOH, T. (2003). Mobile Technologies in Support of Distance Learning. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 1(1), 60-68. Retrieved from


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