New Languages for the History: Transformations Mediated by the Digital Technology

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Alfredo MATTA
Francisca De Paula Da SILVA
António AMORIM


Based on the 15 years long analysis on the investigation about the relationship between Research and Knowledge in History and the Development of Digital Technology for the teaching and research in this knowledge area, comes up an interpretation of the new contributions that the digital technologies are bringing for the knowledge in History, from the innovations on the content and the interpretations, up to the several innovations on the way that the knowledge in History starts to interact with the several subjects potentially interested parties: researchers, teachers, students, citizens of several origins and interests. The technologies of the information - TI are starting, it seems to, a new stage of the dialogue among this knowledge field and others, but also with the potentially interested subjects, which start to get closer and with more critical potential of the knowledge in History.

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How to Cite
MATTA, A., SILVA, F. D. P. D., AMORIM, A., & BOAVENTURA, E. (2018). New Languages for the History: Transformations Mediated by the Digital Technology. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 13(1), 115 - 127. Retrieved from


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