Usefulness of Teleconferencing for Nursing Distance Students in India

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Jatinder Jit KOUR


Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system is an educational method; a teaching and learning methodology characterized by the distance that separates the educator from the learner. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), India, is mandated to provide higher educational opportunities to one and all, a principle that aims to democratize higher education. In its effort to provide student support services and to deliver open and distance learning programmes it employs a diversified delivery system. One of the delivery systems used is the Gyan Darshan channel which is an exclusive satellite based TV channel to provide education both through recorded programmes as well as through live teleconferencing. The objective of the study was to find out the usefulness of the teleconference to the students of Nursing Programme offered by School of Health Sciences (SOHS) and to examine the methods adopted by counselors to interact with the students. This study is expected to throw light on the usefulness of teleconferencing and provide new directions to design and develop such programmes for the students.

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How to Cite
KOUR, J. J. (2019). Usefulness of Teleconferencing for Nursing Distance Students in India. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 14(1), 77 - 87. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Jatinder Jit KOUR, Indira Gandhi National Open University

Jatinder Jit KOUR is a producer in Electronic Media Production Centre (EMPC), IGNOU. She is pursuing her P hD in Distance Education. She is also the academic counselor for the Students of Certificate in Community Radio under School of Journalism and New Media Studies IGNOU.


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