An Evaluation of Technology-Inspired Changes of Learners in Online English Classroom Changes in Students’ Characteristics in an Online Course in China

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The present study focuses on the evaluation of technology-inspired changes after learners participated in online English classroom. It consists of the change of English learning mode, the change of self-confidence, productive change, subtractive change and additive change, based on anonymous learner responses to a questionnaire for evaluation submitted by 981 learners. Findings suggest that online English interactive teaching and learning affects the English learning mode of learners most significantly. Meanwhile, there is considerable influence on learners’ change of self-confidence, productive change, additive change, and little effect on subtractive change to different degree

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How to Cite
XIAOXIA, C. (2009). An Evaluation of Technology-Inspired Changes of Learners in Online English Classroom Changes in Students’ Characteristics in an Online Course in China . Asian Journal of Distance Education, 7(1), 21-33. Retrieved from


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