The Challenges of ICT Applications in Distance Higher Education in Japan

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Kumiko AOKI


Japan is a technologically advanced country with a number of challenges being faced by distance education institutions. Applications of information and communication technologies (ICT) have the potential to transform educational practices from teacher-centered teaching to student-centered learning. However, few higher education institutions in Japan have actually realized the potential of ICT yet. Distance education in Japan is regulated differently from traditional on-campus education and still the majority of distance education programs operate in the mode of correspondence education, using postal mail as the main mean s of
communication and instruction. In this paper, the current situation of ICT implementation in higher education institutions is explained especially focusing on distance education programs, and the current challenges are discussed.

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How to Cite
AOKI, K. (2010). The Challenges of ICT Applications in Distance Higher Education in Japan. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 8(2), 29-39. Retrieved from


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