Using Innovative Measures for Enhancing Quality in the ODL System in India

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Moumita DAS


Quality aims at meeting customer satisfaction through its various attributes in a product, process or system. Quality has to meet the requirements of a competitive environment, offer good price for cost and meet customer satisfaction. In the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system, quality means the special attributes of ODL, such as being learner-centric and product centric, the value for cost, and the ability to fulfill the expectations of the shareholders. The ODL system in India is almost thirty-five years old and has met the educational needs of millions of students in India and abroad. The system needs to further improve the quality of its products and services. There is growing demand for adopting innovative measures for improving the quality of ODL system in India. This paper examines the quality aspect of the ODL system from different perspectives with the objectives of identifying the gap areas and parameters of quality. Based on the findings, this paper proposes an implementation framework for improving quality in the ODL system in India. This proposed framework is expected to facilitate the policymakers in assuring quality in the system.

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How to Cite
SINGH, L., & DAS, M. (2019). Using Innovative Measures for Enhancing Quality in the ODL System in India. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 14(1), 117 - 127. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Leena SINGH, Indira Gandhi National Open University

Leena SINGH, PhD, is presently Assistant Professor in the School of Management Studies in the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India. She has done her PhD with specialization in Environment and Economic Development. She has 9 years of Industry experience and 15 years of teaching experience. Her areas of interest are Corporate Sustainability, Sustainable Development and Entrepreneurship.

Moumita DAS, Indira Gandhi National Open University

Moumita DAS, PhD, is Assistant Director at the National Centre for Innovation in Distance Education, IGNOU. She has done her PhD with specialization in Plant Genetics and Breeding. Her areas of interest are Innovation in Education, Medicinal Plants and Sustainable Development. Email:


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