The Use of Technology to Continue Learning in Palestine Disrupted with COVID-19

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Khitam Shraim
Helen Crompton


This qualitative study examined how decision-makers and teachers have responded to offer education for all Palestinian students at the immediate onset of the COVID-19 outbreak and how technology is being used to continue education online. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 participants from parents, teachers and decision-makers in Palestine. Interview transcripts were coded using a grounded theory design with a constant comparative method. The findings show that participants identified that technologies such as mobile devices, social media and cloud computing would be useful for design and delivery of educational materials as well as raising safety awareness, and communication during the COVID-19 pandemic in Palestine. The findings also identify various challenges including the widening of the education's digital divide and an increasingly negative attitude towards online education. The data also indicate that the first wave of the COVID-19 experience could be the roadmap for wave two and for the transition to sustainable online learning as a supplement to the traditional learning methods and not as a replacement. This research further demonstrates that teachers who are early adopters have a significant role in influencing both students and other teachers to adopt the transformation to online learning. In addition, the national and international initiatives with a multi-stakeholder partnership could provide sustained, long-term, real solutions for online learning.

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How to Cite
Shraim, K., & Crompton, H. (2020). The Use of Technology to Continue Learning in Palestine Disrupted with COVID-19. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(2), 1-20. Retrieved from

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